Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact: Artifacts and weapons in 2022
Raiden Shogun is one of the strongest DPS character in the game whose power can be enhanced after creating the Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact. Compared to other 5-star characters, her build is F2P friendly and does not require much investment in terms of money and time.
Even at C0, Raiden can easily outshine other Electro characters and even after the arrival of Yae Miko who is an Electro Catalyst user, players prefer to have Raiden Shogun in their team as her energy regeneration as well attack skills make her the most viable unit in the game. In order to make the most out of her for players who are going to pull for her, they should look at the Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact.
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Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact
Well, let's have some Tricolor Dango.
"It's already noon, hehe, let's go grab a bite. What do you feel like having?"
"Mm, yes, it's about time to eat. Well, let's have some Tricolor Dango."
"Oh~ That sounds just like you! A good choice!"#GenshinImpact
Raiden Shogun is one of the most coveted characters in the game. She has got her rerun banner along with Kokomi, the best healer in the game but we recommend the players to pull for the former character as we have prepared the Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact.
The Catch- There is a reason why Raiden Shogun is considered F2P friendly character. Perhaps the best weapon for her is The Catch which can be obtained for free after fishing in a certain Inazuman region. A fully refined and ascended Catch will provide you with a base ATK of 502 as well as a whopping energy recharge of 45.9% which makes her a universal battery.

Wavebreaker’s Fin- This weapon needs to be wished for in the weapon or standard banners. Although the base ATK of this weapon is quite low compared to The Catch, players can use it if they are using characters with high energy burst cost as Raiden can get further damage boost after using this weapon.
The Catch still remains the best weapon for Raiden Shogun but if players wish to experiment a bit with the character, then Deathmatch is also a valuable option.
Emblem of Severed Fates- A four-piece artifact set of Emblem of Severed Fates is enough to create the Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact. The artifact set provides her with an additional 20% energy recharge. Not only that, her damage output will also increase by using this artifact upon the 5-star Electro character.

Nobless Obleige+Thundering Fury- An alternate option for selecting the artifacts for Best Raiden Shogun build in Genshin Impact is using two pieces of the mentioned artifacts. It will help Raiden to increase her Elemental Burst DMG as well as provide a boost to her Electro DMG. Players can also equip the four-piece set of Thundering Fury which is one of the best artifacts for Electro characters.
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