'Twentysomethings: Austin' Was Filmed in a Trendy Neighborhood

The houses in 'Twentysomethings: Austin' are where the eight cast members live, and some fans want to know where they're both located.
The Netflix reality show Twentysomethings: Austin might not star genuine locals from the area, but it is filmed on location in — you guessed it — Austin, Tex. But where are the Twentysomethings: Austin houses? The series starts off with the guys in one house and the women in another, though they're next-door neighbors.
And because the show is filmed in an area where nightlife and dining are just a stone's throw away, viewers are curious about the houses where these eight strangers live. It's different from shows like The Real World, in which a group of people live under the same roof. That doesn't stopTwentysomethings: Austin from having all of the drama that other reality TV shows have, though.
Where are the houses from 'Twentysomethings: Austin' located?
Going into the show, all that fans know about Twentysomethings: Austin is that it's filmed in a neighborhood of Austin, Tex., and the cast is made up of eight sexy singles. But give just one fan enough time and they'll figure out everything else they want to know about the show. One dedicated fan on Reddit figured out where the Twentysomethings: Austin houses are all on their own.
The Redditor shared on Dec. 12, 2021, that they found the two houses used in the show thanks to some Google aerial view searches and real estate listings. According to them, the houses are located right next to each other (as shown in the series) at 1112 Ebert Ave #A and 1112 Ebert Ave #B in Austin. The Trulia listings for the houses show interior images that match those of the houses in the show, so it looks legit.
the 2 separate houses is weird. they feel so disconnected. #TwentySomethings
— Evan Amil (@EvanAmilMathis) December 11, 2021Why do the 'Twentysomethings: Austin' cast members stay in two houses?
The arrangement in Twentysomethings: Austin is pretty unheard of for reality TV shows. Usually, the cast is placed under one roof to ensure ample drama and canoodling. But, according to one fan on Twitter, it's common for housing developers in Texas to build two similar homes on one lot.
That doesn't really explain why the guys and girls are separated in the show, but it makes sense why there are two houses on the same property. It's possible that the production company liked one of the houses so much that they decided to use both for the show. Or maybe things will change down the line and eventually, the living situation will change.
Bored and watching #TwentySomethings before work. I love the cast except Abbey for the most part. Natalie is my fav I want to be her bestie ❤ The show is kind of a cringe real world duplicate.
It does have potential though 🤷🏾♀️ pic.twitter.com/l4kbE7CEsY
There's a casting website for 'Twentysomethings: Austin.'
While it's still unclear whether or not there will even be another season of Twentysomethings: Austin, the casting website is still up and running. According to the form, you have to be willing to relocate to the area for the duration of filming and undergo a background check and both medical and psychological exams.
You also have to upload two photos of yourself and a video introducing who you are. It's a lengthy form that doesn't even guarantee casting in future seasons. But if you watch Twentysomethings: Austin and find yourself itching to be part of it, the application is still online.
Twentysomethings: Austin is now streaming on Netflix.