
Ara Zobayan (Kobe Bryants Helicopter Pilot) Bio, Wiki, Age, Wife, Children, Family, Kobe Bryant H

Ara Zobayan Bio – Ara Zobayan Wiki

Ara Zobayan was the pilot of the helicopter that crashed on January 26, 2020, in Calabasas, California killing NBA legend Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, Orange Coast College coach John Altobelli, his wife Keri Altobelli and their daughter Alyssa Altobelli. The other 3 victims include Christina Mauser, a high school coach at Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar, Sarah and Payton Chester. Zobayan also died in the crash.

Ara Zobayan Age

Zobayan was 50 years old.

Transcript of conversation between pilot Ara Zobayan and air traffic control in Kobe Bryant crash

Burbank airport tower: Helicopter 2EX. Burbank tower. Burbank altimeter 30.19. Burbank Class Charlie Surface area is IFR, say intentions.

Helicopter N72EX: … maintain special VFR. Transition on the 101 westbound.

Burbank tower: Helicopter 2Ex. Hold outside Burbank Class Charlie airspace. I have an aircraft going around.

Helicopter N72EX: 2EX holding.

Five seconds later

Burbank Tower: It’s going to be a little bit. I have a citation on a niner mile final and then go around that I just had … is going to be turning base to file in about three minutes.

Helicopter: Ok, we’ll continue holding 2Ex.

Burbank tower: NEcho2Ex and for your planning purposes you can expect to transition to the north side of the airport. I just spoke with Van Nuys [airport] on the line, and they’ve got multiple IFR departures coming off of runway 16 so you can expect to follow the 5 North and cross that way.

Helicopter: 2Ex. No problem.

[Three seconds later.]

Burbank tower: 317P Burbank tower. You can expect a few minutes I got a special VFR helicopter I need to get to transitioning. He’s been holding for about 15 minutes. … Northwest follow the 5 Freeway. Maintain special VFR, special VFR conditions at or below 2500 [feet].

Helicopter: Maintain special VFR at or below 2500 [feet], [follow] I-5 northbound, 2EchoX.

Burbank tower: Number2EchoX roger, and you’re cleared to Burbank Class Charlie surface area from the southeast to the northwest.

Helicopter: Copy that. We’ll maintain Special VFR. Copter 2Echox.

Burbank tower: Actually for your transitioning to Camarillo [airport] did you just want to follow the 118?

Heliocopter: 118 and then we’ll loop around Van Nuys to catch the 101. NEchoX.

Burbank tower: 2Echox roger.

Burbank tower: NEchoX, continue following the 5 northwestbound to join the 118 and then Van Nuys will work you through. Radar service is terminated. Remain that squawk. Contact Van Nuys Helicopters. 11Niner.O.

Helicopter: 2EchoX. Switching to Van Nuys [airport tower].

Helicopter: Van Nuys. Helicopter 2EchoX, we are currently with you for the special VFR transition. We are currently at 1400 [feet].

Van Nuys airport tower: Helicopter 2EchoX, Van Nuys tower. Wind calm, visibility 2 and ½. Ceiling 1100 overcast. Van Nuys altimeter’s 30.16. Cleared into Van Nuys Class Delta, northeast of Van Nuys along the 118 freeway westbound. Advise when you’re in VFR conditions or when you’re clear of the Van Nuys Class Delta. Transition when you’re at or below 2,500 [feet].

Helicopter: 2EchoX-ray. Advise in VFR condition and then we stay on the 118. We’re currently at 1400 [feet] and we have 0235.

Van Nuys tower: Helicoper 2EchoX, thank you. And once you’re clear of Van Nuys Delta, did you want to talk to SoCal?

Helicopter: Affirmative, 2EchoX.

Helicopter: Tower for 2EchoX-ray, can we start go ahead and turn toward the southwest for the 101?

Van Nuys tower: Helicpoter 2EchoX-ray, approved, and are you transitioning in VFR conditions?

Helicopter: VFR conditions, 1,500 [feet], 2EchoX.

Van Nuys tower: Helicopter 72EchoX, thank you. Contact SoCal now 134.2 for flight following. 34.2.

Helicopter: 34.2, NEchoX

[3 minutes, 54 seconds into the recording is the last communication recorded from the pilot.]

SoCal airport tower: EchoX-ray, ident[ifciation]?

[Three seconds.]

SoCal airport tower: EchoX-ray, yeah you’re following the 1200 code. So you’re requesting flight following?

[Five seconds.]

SoCal tower: 2EchoX-ray where, say intentions.

[Two seconds.]

SoCal tower: 2EchoX-ray, you’re still too low level for a flight following at this time.

[Five seconds.]

SoCal tower: 2Echo X-ray, SoCal.

[Last dispatch recording is recorded at 4:28 seconds.]

Ara Zobayan Nationality

He was of American nationality.

Ara Zobayan Instagram


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-05