
"How would anyone besides him know some of this?"

The internet is convinced that netizen Pappa Rodgers, who used to be active in a Facebook crime group, is Bryan Kohberger. Several netizens believe in this theory because Rodgers stopped uploading posts online after the University of Idaho students' massacre suspect was arrested. Interestingly, a former FBI investigator believes the theory as well.

Jennifer Coffindaffer, a former FBI investigator, recently told a news outlet that she was following the internet activity of a netizen who operates under the alias Pappa Rodgers. The netizen, who was also active on Reddit forums under the handle 'InsideLooking,' made some chilling speculations about the murder of the four students.

The 28-year-old Rodgers allegedly insisted on internet forums that his speculations about the slayings were accurate. After noticing that the netizen had correctly predicted several facts before them becoming public, internet users accused Rodgers of being a serial killer in reality.

Reacting to the possibility of Pappa Rodgers being Bryan Kohberger, one netizen wrote online:

Speaking about the possibility of Bryan Kohberger leaving behind clues online, Coffindaffer said in a tweet:

“He drove his own car, carried his phone, and didn’t Clip in his sheath tight enough, so I do believe he could leave a digital trail… he was a hot mess. Intelligence w/no common sense equals a crime bound to be caught.”

Why do internet users believe Pappa Rodgers is Bryan Kohberger?

In a University of Idaho Murders-Case Discussion Facebook group, Pappa Rodgers insisted that the murder weapon found was a large fixed-blade knife. He added that this led him to believe that investigators had found the sheath.

Rodgers also reportedly got into an internet feud with other members of the group, who accused him of participating in the group "like a serial killer."

After some intense arguments, Kristine Cameron, a participant in the group, revealed that Rodgers was removed from the group for relentlessly arguing with the other members and posting "similar questions to Bryan's crime questions." Cameron added that Rodgers was removed from the group at 7.10 pm, right before Kohberger's arrest.

Rodgers went on to create a separate group that had six members in it. No one has heard from his account since Bryan Kohberger's arrest.

On the Reddit forum r/MoscowMurders, InsideLooking, which is believed to be Bryan Kohberger as well, made several speculations about the murder even as police maintained their silence.

In one of the posts, Rodgers wrote:

“Killer parked behind the house. Approached property through tree line. Entered sliding door and left it open. Committed murders and exited sliding door. One knife according to corners statement. Time of murder approximately 3:20am - 3:40 am according to car fleeing scene and on camera on highway 8 approximately 3:45am. Vehicle left skid marks upon exit.”

InsiderLooking also correctly noted that the shoe prints being investigated by the police belonged to the suspect. He even wrote online that the white Hyundai Elantra would be the key to catching the suspect, which did occur eventually.

Twitter user @williethegreek compiled a list of all the clues Bryan Kohberger allegedly left on online groups under his internet handle.

At the time of writing this article, police had not confirmed whether Pappa Rodgers is Bryan Kohberger in reality.

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-05