Movies starring Jon Abrahams

Sitting in a darkened theater watching House of Wax, I felt like it was the 1980s and Jason was on the loose again. From its lobotomized characters to its carefully choreographed "boo!" moments to its blood-and-gore spatter-fest, this movie is a t...

What has happened to Robert De Niro's career? Once referred to as one of the top working American actors, De Niro has seen his talents wasted countless times in recent years as he has chosen one bad project after another. The list of titles reads...

Outside Providence is a simple coming of age story, a nostalgia-soaked trip back to the mid-'70s when the social fabric of the American youth was stitched together by sex, drugs, and rock music. The film, despite never venturing into uncharted ter...

It seems that every new comedy to arrive in theaters pushes the envelope further, daring the MPAA to give it an NC-17. Scary Movie, from the demented and very funny minds of the Wayans Brothers, becomes the latest motion picture to risk censure in...