
Suthsexe Swamp Mysterious Voice - Assassins Creed Valhalla

The Mysterious Voice in the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Suthsexe Swamp allows you to trigger a Mystery named Will O’ The Wisp.

This quest featured in the Assassin’s Creed video game developed by Ubisoft is very short, but if you need help completing it, I’ll explain what you have to do. This World Event must be finished to get 100% completion in Suthsexe, and your goal is to find the source of the Mysterious Voice using several fires to guide you.

AC Valhalla Will O’ The Wisp World Event Location

On my map below, you can see the location of the mystery in question or, if you want, the area where you’ll hear the Mysterious Voice. As you can see, it is west of Guildford on the western side of Suthsexe.

When you get to the location on the map, you suddenly hear a voice telling you that you are on cursed grounds. The wisps of the swamp (whatever that means) will tell you that you’ll need to leave some money on the ground if you want to see the sun again.

Three things to notice here, though. The wisps can talk, the sun is above your head, and you can’t place any money on the ground because there is no option to do that, even if you want to. Here is what you need to do next.

How To Follow the Mysterious Voice

After you hear the wisps of the swamp, look around, and you’ll see several fires. They are pretty easy to identify and impossible to miss, as you can see in my screenshot.

The goal here is very easy. Move from one fire to another. So basically, whenever you see a new fire, get close to it and look for the next one, which is highlighted. Keep moving from one fire to another (there are 7 in total), and eventually, you’ll get close to some old Roman ruins.

Here, you’ll be able to meet the wisps of the swamp. They are, in fact, some bandits who scare people and rob them. But unlike other bandits, they are quite funny and friendly.

Best Dialogue Choice

Once you talk to the wisp below, you’ll have three options, all of them allowing you to complete the event.

  • Your bandit days are over – Resulting in killing the bandits. Keep in mind that they are friendly fellows, though.
  • All right, I’ll give you a tip – Results in giving the bandits a tip on continuing their activities. In return, you’ll get 40 Silver from them.
  • I don’t have time for this – It results in you stepping away, and the bandits will continue the scam.

All options are viable and won’t affect the story, but the recommended answer is the first if you want to play the good guy or the second if you want to be the bad guy and get some money.

That’s how you deal with the Mysterious Voice to complete the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Will O’ The Wisp quest, so now let’s go and find missing Fenton.


Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-05