Move Over Half-Shaved Heads, I Think Nicki Minaj May Have Discovered the Next Big Thing in Asymmetri
While we predict that time will show that the half-shaved-head thing died in 2012, asymmetry itself is not off limits this year at all, as Nicki Minaj showed last night with what I'm assuming is wig cut so it's a super-short in the back and very very long in the front. Behold:
I suppose it's a reverse mullet of sorts, but I actually think this hairstyle is kind of cool. And if you cut your hair this way, you'd just snip the front a little shorter until everything evened out—way easier to grow out than a half-shaved head. Therefore I think this look has a chance of catching on. Hey, stranger things have happened.
While we wait to see if I'm right, tell me: What do you think of this look on her? Are you strangely drawn to it? Think it's silly? And would you ever go for it? Discuss.
Photos: Getty Images