Relationship Expert Says Travis Scott's Instagram Posts About Kylie Jenner Reveal His True Prioritie

Relationship expert and life coach Nicole Moore talked to Nicki Swift exclusively on the importance of Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner's social media posts, explaining, "Kylie and Travis post so infrequently about each other on social media that we have to assume that when they do choose to post about the other person, it matters in some way."
Moore spelled out more about Jenner's Instagram post to Scott on Father's Day, with the relationship expert revealing, "Kylie sees Travis as a great father. She sees him with 'heart eyes' and wants the world to see him. Kylie shared a photo of Travis lying in bed with their two kids cuddling on him." Moore added, "This picture was 100% meant to induce an 'awww, Travis is a great Dad' feeling out of the viewers. It's highlighting him in the best possible light as there's nothing that will make a man seem more good on social media than portraying him as a good father." But the founder of Love Works Method noted Scott's Instagram post about Jenner couldn't be more different.
Moore said, "Let's contrast that with the picture Travis chose to share ... and that's a picture of Kylie cooking, showing her from behind and highlighting her prominent backside. His post was clearly about Kylie's body and bragging about it." But the relationship expert goes into deeper detail about what the social media posts say about Jenner and Scott's priorities.