10-year-old girl hit in Nampa Walmart gunfight won't have bullet removed from arm

NAMPA, Idaho (KBOI) — The grandmother of the young girl shot in a Walmart parking lot last week says her grand-daughter will not have the bullet removed from her body.
The young girl, who has not been publicly identified, was waiting to watch fireworks after the God and Country festival when she was hit by a stray bullet following a gunfight at the Nampa Walmart on Garrity. Two men have been arrested and are now in custody.
"They decided after much deliberation to not do surgery to remove the bullet - it caused a fracture of her humerus and lodged in the bone around the nerves. They feared removing it would cause paralysis and nerve damage."
The grandmother also told KBOI 2News that that the girl's range of motion in her arm will be limited for the rest of her life.
"The good news is, she is not dead and no one else got hurt," she said.
A gofundme page has been established for the girl.